After the cancelation of our meeting in 2022, it is again time to start preparing your Abstracts for the symposium, which will take place between 15-19 May, 2023! Please visit our website:
It is very important to register for the symposium as soon as possible (you don’t have to pay or submit an abstract yet), in order to know that there is enough interest to hold the symposium. You can submit your abstract, book hotels and reserve social events at any time within the relevant deadlines (see later).
Important dates
Abstract submission between 1 November – 20 December 2022.
Review Period between 10 – 31 January 2023
Decisions to be sent by 1 February 2023
Tentative Program announcement 1 February 2023
Final Program announcement 1 March, 2023
Early Bird registration 1 November 2022 – 28 February 2023
Late registration from 1 March 2023 to end of conference, provided there are available seats!
Authors assigned an oral presentation must register by 28 February 2023, before the Final Program is released, in order to ensure their slot. Otherwise, they will be assigned a Poster presentation. Each attending delegate, will be considered for only one Oral presentation!
- Scientific Program Sessions
Each session will have two members from the Program Committee (Primary and secondary) taking care of the evaluation of the Abstracts and the decision on Oral/Poster presentation (15 min). The two members will also invite a speaker to give a state-of-the-art presentation (30 min).
Session name, Primary member, Secondary member
- Sex determination and differentiation. Piferrer, F Kah, O
- Brain-pituitary-gonad axis. Levavi-Sivan, B Muñoz Cueto, J.A.
- Oogenesis/vitellogenesis and ovulation. Rosenfeld, H Bobe, J
- Spermatogenesis and spermiation. Schulz, R Rosenfeld, H
- Climate change and anthropogenic impacts. Norberg, B Carnevali, O
- Reproduction in aquaculture. Migaud, H Mañanos, E
- Gamete and egg quality. Bobe, J Norberg, B
- Behaviour and pheromones. Duncan, N Canario, A
- Reproductive biotechnologies. Zohar, Y Gothilf, Y
During the conference, the final sessions will be chaired by two people. One will be the primary member of the Program Committee (Primary chair) and one will be an invited colleague from the participants (co-chair). The invited co-chair will be decided by the Primary chair.
- Handling of Abstracts
At the time of submission, the authors will be asked to choose a Session for their one-page regular Abstract. The submitted abstracts will be sent to the Session evaluators. They will review and decide on the acceptance of the Abstract to the Symposium, and will allocate it to (a) Session and (b) an Oral or Poster presentation. Each session will initially be allocated the same number of Oral slots (8 x 15 min) plus one state-of-the-art slot (30 min). Depending on the number of Abstracts we receive, we will consider re-allocating slots among Sessions, so some may have more presentations than others. Also, in case one Session is over-subscribed, the Chair may choose to redirect an abstract to another Session, in order to give it an Oral presentation.
Authors assigned an Oral presentation will be notified, and to ensure their slot allocation they will have to pay their registration before 28 February 2023 (early bird), before the Final Program is released. Each attending delegate, will be considered for only one Oral presentation!
One Poster Abstract will be chosen from each Session as an Emergency Oral presentation, and the author will be notified to have a presentation ready in the event of a no-show in the Session.
The format document and instructions for preparing and submitting an Abstract are provided on the web site of the Symposium, and on the registration and abstract submission site. We will follow a similar one-page format as the one used for the previous symposium in Manaus, Brazil.
- State-of-the-Art presentations.
We will have one State-of-the-Art presentation for each session (30 min). The presenters will be selected by the session chairs, and they must pay for their registration before 28 February 2023 (early bird). An Abstract must also be submitted, and indicated as “State-of-the-Art” in the submission form.
- Plenary presentations.
We will have two (2) plenary presentations, on Monday and Wednesday. The invited presenters who will honor us with their presence are
- Dr Sylvie Dufour, Research Director at CNRS, University of Sorbonne, France.
- Professor Daniel Pauly, University Killam Professor & Principal Investigator, The University of British Columbia, Canada
- Special issue in General and Comparative Endocrinology
As before, we will have a special issue for the meeting, managed by 3 Special Editors from the Scientific Committed of the symposium.
- Registration Fees
Normal registration fee (early bird): 350 € (by 28 February 2023)
Normal registration fee (late): 425 € (after 1 March 2023)
Student registration fee (early bird): 250 € (by 28 February 2023)
Student registration fee (late): 325 € (after 1 March 2023)
Accompanying member registration 150 €
Registration fees will include the abstract book, welcoming reception, coffees and lunches. The symposium dinner and guided excursions are not included in the price.
The symposium dinner will be free of charge for all students, sponsored by IRIDA SA, an Aquatic Feeds company (
The welcoming reception will be offered by the Hellenic Aquaculture Producers Organization (HAPO,,
Fresh gilthead seabream and European sea bass will be offered by Galaxidi Marine Farm S.A ( ).