Stichting Wageningen Research (WR)

Wageningen Research (WR) is The Netherlands research institute established to provide the scientific support that is essential for developing policies and innovation in respect of livestock, including aquaculture. WR has aquaculture specialists that cover the whole value chain: from breeding and reproduction to slaughter and economic impact studies. This combination of expertise also covers the performance of fish in aquaculture settings and is of key importance for a sustainable production in modern aquacultural set-ups.

Role in the AQUAEXCEL3.0 project:

WR will mainly participate in JRA3 focusing on optimizing fish welfare in aquaculture settings. In addition, WR will also contribute through TNA, offering RAS performance systems and swim tunnels, all suited for experiments with new or established species in larval, juvenile or grow-out phase.

Key persons involved:

Dr. Wout Abbink is a researcher specialised in fish physiology and works to implement physiology in fish breeding, the use of sensors in fish, optimisation of fish performance in aquaculture settings, and the introduction of new aquaculture species in the Netherlands. He has significant experience in working and managing EU and national projects in these fields, such as OrAqua, AQUAEXCEL and FutureEUAqua.

Dr. Ir. Arjan P. Palstra is a fish physiologist with specific expertise on exercise and reproduction, in aquaculture (phenotyping, propagation, optimal flow regimes) or nature (fish migration). Together with the industry he initiated the Eel Reproduction Innovation Centre EELRIC in 2016 aiming at close the production cycle for European eel and bring production to commercial scale. He chaired the COST Action FITFISH. He has coordinated and works on several EU projects and also received personal Marie Curie grants.

Dr. Hans van de Vis has expertise on welfare of farmed and captured fish. His research focuses on assessment of stunning and killing methods of farmed fish and stress related to handling, transport and rearing. He was involved in several projects funded by the European Commission and various Norwegian and Dutch projects in collaboration with companies.



Gerda Bakker

Contact details:

+31 317 483382


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