Impact Plans
A number of Impact Plans will be developed for potential high-impact AQUAEXCEL3.0 project outputs over the course of the project. These outputs will be selected by the Industry Research Advisory Panel as being particularly relevant for the European aquaculture industry. The Impact Plans contain information on the research, potential impact, knowledge need, end-users, contact information for the researcher and more.
Impact Plans will be uploaded to this page over the duration of the project as innovative outputs are completed and assessed.
Virtual Aquaculture Laboratory to assist in optimizing
the use of experimental resources and improve
experimental design and test power
Horizon Results Platform >
Dietary effects on growth, survival and behavioural
responses in lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.)
Horizon Results Platform >

BREAMREPLACER – Effect of processed animal protein
(PAP) and single cell protein (SCP) diets on gilthead
seabream (Sparus aurata)
Horizon Results Platform >
ADVENTURE: A new fish feeding control and
optimization method for gilthead seabream
Horizon Results Platform >

TUNATIME: Central and peripheral clocks in Atlantic
bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus, L.). Daily rhythmicity of
hepatic lipid metabolism and digestive genes
Horizon Results Platform >
FISHSCAILED: Non-invasive fish identification – scale
Horizon Results Platform >
AQUAWASTE: Improving plant health through Nutrient
Remineralization in Aquaponic Systems
Horizon Results Platform >
WIMSS: Testing of the Salmon Welfare Index Model
(SWIM 1.0) as a Computational Welfare Assessment for
Sea-Caged European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
Horizon Results Platform >
RMS: Red Mark Sindrome in rainbow-trout. Advances in
diagnostic and management strategies
Horizon Results Platform >
SYLPRO4TROUT: use of Wood-Based Yeast SCP
(single-cell protein) as an ingredient for Trout diets