Brokerage Events

“Cryoplankton Benefits in seabass aquaculture” by Konstantinos Tzakris. AQUAEXCEL3.0 Brokerage Event at AQUA2024.

“From waste to health: balancing black soldier fly growth through feeding rates and waste-based ingredients” by Martin Kulma. AQUAEXCEL 3.0 Brokerage Event at AQUA2024.

“With bubbles for a better life for rainbow trout” by Georgina Lea Fazekas. AQUAEXCEL3.0 Brokerage Event at AQUA2024.

“Fish meal reduction for growing Meagre (Argyrosomus regius)” by Ramon Fontanillas. AQUAEXCEL Brokerage Event at Aquaculture Europe 2023.

“Benefits of Krill meal inclusion towards better utilization of nutrients and growth in gilthead seabream juveniles” by Kiranpreet Kaur. AQUAEXCEL Brokerage Event at Aquaculture Europe 2023

“Metal-amino acid complexes as a cost-effective strategy to help reduce fish meal in European seabass diets” by Claudia Figueiredo. AQUAEXCEL Brokerage Event at Aquaculture Europe 2023.
“Red Mark Syndrome in rainbow trout: advances in diagnostic and management strategies” by Massimo Orioles. AQUAEXCEL Brokerage Event at Aquaculture Europe 2022.
“Beyond insect flour: use of wood-based yeast SCP (single-cell protein) as an ingredient for trout diets” by Ricardo Ekmay. AQUAEXCEL Brokerage Event at Aquaculture Europe 2022.
“A novel welfare assessment tool for sea-caged European Seabass: the SWIM (Salmon Welfare Index Model) approach” by Hijran Yavuzcan Yildiz. AQUAEXCEL Brokerage Event at Aquaculture Europe 2022.
“Triploid salmon: how salinity influences growth and welfare” by Raneesha de Fonseka. AQUAEXCEL Brokerage Event at Aquaculture Europe 2022.
“No more tags: a novel method to identify fish by using scale patterns” by Dinara Bekkozhayeva. AQUAEXCEL Brokerage Event at Aquaculture Europe 2022.
“AQUAWASTE: improving plant health through nutrient remineralization in aquaponic systems” by Victor Lobanov. AQUAEXCEL presentation at On the Horizon 2 webinar.
“ADVENTURE: computer modelling to assist aquaculture production monitoring, prediction & optimisation” by Tao Chen. AQUAEXCEL presentation at On the Horizon 2 webinar.
“Virtual Aquaculture Laboratory” by Finn Olav Bjørnson. AQUAEXCEL presentation at On the Horizon webinar.
“Lumpfish start feeding – new insights into the effect on growth, survival and behavioural responses” by Ibon Garcia Gallego. AQUAEXCEL presentation at On the Horizon webinar.
TNA stories
“FEEDBSFL: determination of the optimal feeding rate for black soldier fly larvae” a TNA story performed at UNITO-DISAFA facilities.
“European Perch personalities in aquaculture?” a TNA story performed at JU-IAPW facilities.

“Novel, sustainable ingredients and their application into aqua-feed formulation” a TNA story performed at the University of Stirling facilities.

“MIRAGE: Improving the reproductive performance and quality of rainbow trout” a TNA story performed at the University of Sterling facilities.

“IHNtempo” a TNA story performed at the high contained facilities of DTU at the section for Fish and Crustacean diseases.

“ONTOSENSINGTROUT” a TNA story performed at the INRAE STPEE facilities.

“TUNAPHY” a TNA story performed at the IEO-ICAR facilities.

“ABT Feeding: a TNA story performed at the IEO – The Infrastructure for Atlantic bluefin tuna aquaculture facilities.

“FISH+“: A TNA story performed at the Instituto de Acuicultura Torre de la Sal (CSIC) facilities.

“BEDLAM” : a TNA story performed at the SINTEF facilities

“SURROGACYPROTECT: Surrogate production of fish species susceptible to infectious disease via a resistant host” a TNA story performed at the University of South Bohemia.

“LACRY” a TNA story performed at IFREMER-PMMLT facilities.

“MEAGREFEED” a TNA story performed at the HCMR-Aqualabs facilities.

“MUCUS-FA” a TNA story performed at the Institute of Aquaculture and Protection of Waters (JU-IAPW) facility

“RAYON2BASS, a TNA story performed at the Instituto Acuicultura Torre de la Sal (IATS) facilities

“Kisspeptsole“: a TNA story performed at the CCMAR facilities.

“CeDNA“: a TNA story performed at the Technical University of Denmark facilities.

“MusselGnRH“: a TNA story performed at the CCMAR facilities

“BASSBOOST: Additives to boost performance in European sea bass” a TNA success performed at ULPGC-WWSSU facilities.

“CHITHEALTH” a TNA story performed at the DISAFA-AQUA facilities.

“ALPHASPERM” a TNA story performed at the Institute of Aquaculture and Protection of Waters (JU-IAPW) facilities.

“ROOTWELL“, a TNA story performed at the Institute of Aquaculture and Protection of Water (JU-IAPW) facility

“TroutFR”, a TNA story performed at the INRAE – STPEE (Fish nutrition farms and platform) facilities.

“AQUA-CANCER“: a TNA story performed at the CCMAR facilities.

“CARBOMICROSEA” and “BREAMUCOSA“: TNA stories performed at the Instituto de Acuicultura Torre de la Sal (CSIC) facilities.

“COTYLEO“: a TNA story performed at the Instituto de Acuicultura Torre de la Sal (CSIC) facilities.
Technician Transnational Mobility (TTM) stories
TTM is an Exchange Programme for RI technicians, between AQUAEXCEL3.0 partner institutes, to foster a culture of cooperation between RIs and learn best practice from each other.

Watch a TTM success story performed at IFREMER-PEARS facilities.

Watch a TTM success story performed at HCMR facilities.

Watch a TTM success story performed at HCMR facilities.

Watch a TTM success story performed at HCMR facilities.

Watch a TTM success story performed at UoS facilities.

Watch a TTM success story performed at NOFIMA facilities.

Watch a TTM success story performed at IPMA facilities.

Watch a TTM success story performed at IPMA IP facilities.

Watch a TTM success story performed at IU-ECOAQUA facilities.

Watch a TTM success story performed at UoS facilities.

Watch a TTM success story performed at DTU facilities.

Watch a TTM success story performed at the University of Torino

Watch a TTM success story performed at NOFIMA facilities.
TNA facilities
NOFIMA, NRSA Facility Video
SINTEF NSTC Facility Video
SINTEF ACE Facility Video
IMBBC HCMR Facility Video
PAU IEO-CSIC Facility Video
DTU AQUA – Fish and Shellfish Diseases Facility Video
University of Stirling – Institute of Aquaculture Facility Video
ULPGC Facility Video
IFREMER Marine Molluscs Facilities Video
Promotional video
AQUAEXCEL3.0 in the news
AQUAEXCEL3.0 presented on “vivir o mar” of the Spanish “TV Galicia”. Programme is in Spanish and partially Gallego (Galician official language).