2nd IRAP meeting
The Industry and Research Advisory Panel (IRAP) meeting will take [...]
The Industry and Research Advisory Panel (IRAP) meeting will take [...]
The On The Horizon (OTH) events aim to disseminate specific [...]
The Aquaculture Europe "Innovative solutions in a changing world" 2022 [...]
AQUAEXCEL3.0 will have the 1st physical brokerage event at this [...]
The Wageningen University & Research are hosting a Fish Nutrition [...]
The 2022 AQUAEXCEL3.0 annual meeting will take place this year [...]
Nofima and Sunndal Næringsselskap are happy to invite you to [...]
Practical Approach to Aquatic Veterinary Biosecurity – Similarities and Differences [...]
HCMR is happy to invite you to the “12th International [...]
The Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, University of [...]
The “Joint International Congress on Animal Science” is a world [...]
On behalf of the hosting society, the European Association of Fish [...]