‘On the Horizon’ Industry Brokerage Event
AQUAEXCEL3.0 will organise several industry brokerage events during its project lifetime, with the aim to create a forum for engagement and exchange between researchers and potential beneficiaries of the of selected high-impact knowledge outputs.
The first industry brokerage event for AQUAEXCEL3.0 took place on September 29th, 2021. The ‘On the Horizon’ event was the first in a series of online webinars organised by EATiP and co-hosted by ERINN Innovation. The aim of this series to disseminate specific aquaculture project outputs from the EU Horizon Framework programmes.
As the development of knowledge outputs is still in the early stages in AQUAEXCEL3.0, two high-impact outputs from the AQUAEXCEL2020 project were presented to an audience of both industry and academic members and both knowledge outputs were chosen in consultation with the AQUAEXCEL3.0 Industry and Research Advisory Panel (IRAP). Watch both presentations HERE.
The first presentation by Finn Olav Bjørnson from SINTEF Ocean described a ‘Virtual Aquaculture Laboratory’ designed to simulate fish experiments and receive data on expected growth and water quality. This tool has potential high impact for industry through its ability to optimise the use of experimental resources and improve experimental design and test power. The second presentation from Ibon García Gallego from ULPGC described the growth, survival, swimming activity and feeding behavioural responses of lumpfish larvae upon receipt of five different dietary treatments. Due to the commercial importance of lumpfish as a cleaner fish species used to help control sea lice infestations, this knowledge output was deemed to be of high impact for the aquaculture industry. The ‘On the Horizon’ online webinar was a success on the day with 127 attendees and representation from 22 countries and four other key knowledge outputs from the NewTechAqua, iFishIENCi, AquaIMPACT and FutureEUAQUA projects.
Follow us on twitter @AQUAEXCEL3 to stay informed on the next industry brokerage event and new knowledge outputs emerging from the AQUAEXCEL3.0 project!